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Welcome to the DCPS Lab

The Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems (DCPS) lab is directed by Prof. Khaza Anuarul Hoque and located in the F. Robert & Patricia Naka Hall building at University of Missouri-Columbia. The research mission of the DCPS Laboratory is to develop theory, methods, and tools for supporting modeling, design, and (formal) verification of highly dependable embedded and cyber-physical systems (CPS). Specifically, the goal of DCPS lab is to enhance the reliability, safety, security, trustworthiness, and energy efficiency of complex computing systems.

To this end, we conduct interdisciplinary research to answer the scientific questions we deem most important, specifically in the following areas (see Research).

  • Formal methods in robotics and automation (model checking and runtime monitoring).
  • Safe, secure and energy-efficient ML/AI for embedded hardware.
  • Explainable AI for trustworthy augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) applications.

We are grateful for funding from National Science Foundation (NSF), United States Army Reserch Laboratory (ARL), and Naval Research Laboratory (NRL).


April 2024

DCPS Ph.D. student Ernest Bonnah has secured an Assistant Professor position at Baylor University, Texas (R1). Congratulations, Ernest!.

March 2024

Two of the DCPS members, Ripan Kumar Kundu and Ayesha Siddique have been awarded the prestigious “Outstanding PhD Students” awards from the University of Missouri College of Engineering. Congratulations Ripan and Ayesha!

October 2023

Our project titled ‘Explainable AI-guided Trustworthy and Interactive Cybersickness Detection and Mitigation for Next Generation Army Warfighters’ has been awarded a $450,000K grant from the Army Research Lab (ARL). Thank you, ARL.

September 2023

Our paper titled ‘Model Checking Time Window Temporal Logic for Hyperproperties’ received the Best Paper Award nomination in MEMOCODE conference at ESWEEK 2023.
See Preprint.

September 2023

Our project titled ‘Collaborative Research: DESC: Type I: SEEDED: Sustainability-aware Reliable and Reusable AI Hardware Design’has received a $600K grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) with a ‘highly competitive’ ranking. Thank you, NSF.
See MU news, NSF grant.

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